Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Letter to Editor 1770

Dear editor,

From the beginning of time, it seems, Great Britain has been developing its military and ammunition with the plan of dominating the world.

Millions, or even billions of indigenous men, women, and children have been trampled under their rule.  Young Africans have been put into chains and dragged away from their homes mercilessly.

Britain has even treated its own colonists with injustice-- forbidding them from enjoying their right to govern themselves, and sending armed men into their houses to keep them under their control.

Although we have repeatedly petitioned, protested, and clearly communicated our opposition, the King and British Parliament have done nothing but send more troops, collect more taxes, and punish more people for trying to profit from business, as it is their right to do.

As a poor farmer whose family cries with hunger into the night because I must pay Britain for the tobacco I ship to the West Indies, all of the documents involved in exporting these crops, and any tea and sugar that is not made by my own hands, I say this is wrong.  As a man who wants to secure a better future for his children and grandchildren, and the futures of any children who are now suffering under the rule of the British Empire, I say we gather our arms and prepare for war.  It is better for a thousand men to die fighting an injustice and protecting future generations from oppression than for one man to turn away and convince others that they were created to be subjects of other men.

No, we were not created to be oppressed.  Rather, we were created to fight for our freedom.  Light is only appreciated in the midst of darkness.

But what am I but a poor farmer with the burden of the “most powerful empire in the world” on my back?

With honesty and sincerity,
William Everett

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