Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Note from the Author

So, apparently, Muslims are terrorists.  Black people are dumb and ugly.  Jews are corrupting the stock market.  White people are arrogant and immoral.  Indigenous people are inferior savages.  Christians are arrogant and hypocritical.  Women are emotional and dependent.

Did those statements make you angry?  If they didn't, there is something seriously wrong with your moral compass.  

I am a biracial (black and white) young woman with Cherokee and Blackfoot ancestors and a Christian maternal family.  

However, I don’t define myself with all of that baggage.  I define myself as a Muslim, someone who worships Allah, the one just God, and strives for all that is good.  

Just imagine for a moment, what if everyone were exactly the same?  What if everyone had the same religion, the same race?  And not just that-- the same gender and eye colour and nationality and hair colour and language and anything else that people use as an excuse for murder and oppression?  What if we were all exactly the same?

What if I were to tell you that we are exactly the same?  We are exactly the same because we are people.  I deserve to be treated well because I am a person.  You deserve to be treated well because you are a person.  We may have a thousand differences, but underneath all of that we are the same.  We are the same because Allah created us both from clay and a semen drop, and He gave us all a choice to do good or bad.  Your father could have been Hitler or MLK, but you have that choice.  

Once we realize that we are all people, once we realize that we are neither all on the same level compared to Allah, once we realize that racial labels mean nothing and how we act means everything, once we start treating each fellow person next to us as our brother or sister-- why, we could change the world.  

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